Etwas Erheiterung für Zwischendurch
Etwas Erheiterung für Zwischendurch gefällig? Hier meine Lieblingsstellen aus der Danksagung der Dissertation von John Robert Ross:
„This thesis ends an overly long career as a professional student, a career which has been a joy to me, but a trial to the many teachers and administrators who have gritted their teeth and forgiven the lateness of papers and assignments (several are still late), the frequency with which I asked ill thought-out questions, and my chronic unpuncuality. They have put up woth all this in the hope that something might become of me someday. To these friends I can only offer this thesis, in the hope that it will in part repay their confidence in me.“
„For aid and support beyond the call of duty, I must single out the following for special gratitude:
The Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, who gave me a chance to dabble around at three German universities, apparently learning nothing but in reality finally realizing that it was time to stop dabbling and study seriously[…].“
„Finally, I come to my family. Since in my view cats are as necessary as air or water, I thank our cats Krishna and Aristotle for deigning to stay with us and seasoning our existence.“